b'VACUUM PUMPS / VACUUM FILTERSTEMPEST VACUUM PUMPS OVERHAULEDPart Number Replaces Core Price Price Aero Accessories, Inc, neverre-uses carbon. The hard anodize is AA3215CC-OH-E 215CC, 211CC$100.00 $279.95 stripped from the center stator and AA3215CC-9-OH-E 215CC-9, 211CC-9 $100.00 $279.95 the stator is inspected for cracks. We then perform a reconditioning of the AA3216CW-OH-E 216CW, 212CW $100.00 $279.95 I.D. After the reconditioning process, AA243CC-OH-E 241CC $100.00 $498.95 each stator is meticulously inspected for proper dimensions. The stator then AA243CC-13-OH-E 241CC-13 $100.00 $498.95 receives a new hard anodize coating. AA244CW-OH-E 242CW $100.00 $498.95 We inspect 100% of the parts that we re-use in the overhaul process to AA244CW-4-OH-E 242CW-4 $100.00 $498.95 make sure that each part meets the ENGINEAA441CC-OH-E $100.00 $659.95 requirements for our FAA-Approved process specification 203-6-1009.AA441CC-7-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA441CC-11-OH-E $100.00 $659.95 FEATURED PRODUCT!AA441CC-17-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA442CW-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA442CW-4-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA442CW-6-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA442CW-8-OH-E $100.00 $659.95AA442CW-12-OH-E $100.00 $659.95TEMPEST VACUUM PUMPS (NEW)PartDescription Price TEMPEST VACUUM FILTERS Number Part AA3215CC NEW 3000 Tornado Vacuum Pump$398.95 Number Description PriceAA3215CC-9 NEW 3000 Tornado Vacuum Pump $398.95 AA2J4-4 Pneumatic Filter Inline $41.95AA3216CW NEW 3000 Tornado Vacuum Pump $398.95 AA2J4-6 Pneumatic Filter Inline $41.95Tempest Tornado Rotary Air Pumps, our new, improved AA3215CCAA2J4-7 Pneumatic Filter Inline $41.95or AA3216CW bandless pumps, are designed to reduce prematureAAD9-14-3 Pneumatic Filter $24.95failures. Closed front ends prevent the residual oils and solvents which result from pressure washing from entering the driveAAD9-14-5 Pneumatic Filter$24.95mechanism of the pump. Our revolutionary patent-pending LRT oilAAD9-18-1 Pneumatic Filter $24.95diverter system is designed to drain oil from leaking garlock seals away from the pump.ARB3-5-1 Pneumatic Garter Filter $3.25TACH GENERATORS 1J10-1 Replacement Pneumatic Filter $51.95PartDescription CorePriceNumber Price22A667 EM8000, H60-050$300.00 $498.9522A736 50-389057-1 $300.00 $498.95MS25038-4 EM8001 $300.00 $498.9546 www.aircraftgeneralsupply.com - (904) 645-0618 (888)-247-3080*Prices and Products subject to change without notice*'