b'CONTINENTAL ENGINE PARTSCONTINENTAL MISC. PARTSCONTINENTAL MISC. PARTS Part Number Description Price Part Number Description Price21114 Plunger $71.96 SA 627731 Key $.46SA 21153 Shaft $22.45 SA 628488 Lifter $96.65SA 21185 Hose $2.25 SA 629117-1 Rotor Coil $14.8521208A2 Tach Housing $185.95 629163-5 Clamp $27.95MS 20500-428 Nut $3.25 629353 Bushing $5.50SA 21284PO5 Shroud $7.55 SA 629690 Pin $52.35SA 21361 Key $.20 SA 630046 Pin $48.25ENGINESA 22022 Nut $1.10 630393 Pushrod $72.95SA 22800 Hose $2.10 630519 Bushing $8.5024802 Key $1.98 630817 Hose $219.00SA 501867 Loc Tab $1.65 SA 630899 Bearing $9.30501868 Loc Tab $1.55 SA 631654 Rotor Coil $24.25520112 Hellicoil $10.95 SA 631815 Shaft $21.75520112-2 Hellicoil $12.50 SA 631991 Shaft $27.25SA 530830 Pin $53.85 SA 632050 Bushing $3.65SA 531001 Nut $3.55 632141 Housing $23.95SA 532432 Plug $7.45 632485 Housing $25.95SA 535091-62 Screw $.74 SA 633106 Lifter $96.58SA 537721 Bearing $9.25 SA 634505 Nut $7.25SA 537870 P30 Pushrod $34.90 SA 638172 Bushing $3.05SA 539467 Pin $51.60 639305 Vernatherm $492.00539619 Spring $38.95 SA 639660-14 Hose $11.45SA 539740 Shaft $26.65 641543 Thread $39.95626536 Diaphram $35.95 SA 642917-1 Hose $16.60627458 Spring $19.95 SA 642917-2 Hose $16.60627495 Spring $56.95 643967 Nut $4.40627773 Barrel Nut $30.95 SA 646277 Lifter $96.35649353-75 Screw $.95 646312 Nut $28.50652451-8P030 Pushrod $76.90 649369 Vernatherm $492.00653824 Shaft $58.65 649703 Pin $239.95652421 Nut $6.10652422 Nut $4.95SA 652541 Nut $7.25652451-7 Pushrod $73.95SA 652984 Shaft $15.75SA 652947 Washer $.35653982 Retainer $18.95AN737TW82 Clamp $3.55MS 39326-20 Clamp $1.55MS 90725-12 Bolt $.6550 www.aircraftgeneralsupply.com - (904) 645-0618 (888)-247-3080*Prices and Products subject to change without notice*'